- Applications must be received by midnight on Sunday December 31, 2023.
- Candidates will be invited to perform in the Competition which will take place on Friday January 26, Saturday January 27 and Sunday January 28, 2024, at Church of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto. Round One of master classes with David Bowser will take place over two days on Friday between 6:00 pm and 9:30 pm and on Saturday between 12:00 pm and 9:30 pm. Round Two of master classes with Nathalie Paulin will take place on Sunday between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm.
- Participants selected for Round Two will be notified by email and/or text message on Saturday, January 27, after Round One is completed.
- The names of the singers selected for scholarship awards and concert performance will be announced and posted on the Mozart Project website on or before Wednesday January 31, 2024.
- The scholarship recipients will perform as soloists in concert with the Toronto Mozart Players on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at 2:00 pm at Church of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor Street West, Toronto.
- Participants must be available for the following rehearsal and concert schedule:
Wednesday April 17, 2024, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Piano rehearsal, Church of the RedeemerThursday April 18, 2024, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Rehearsal with chorus, Church of the RedeemerFriday April 19, 2024, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Rehearsal with orchestra, Church of the RedeemerSaturday, April 20, 2024, 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Concert, Church of the RedeemerRehearsal dates and times are subject to change and will be confirmed with soloists as early as possible.
- After the application deadline, Competition participants will be notified of the time of their performance in Round One on Friday January 26 or Saturday January 27 and will receive full details and directions to the Competition venue.
- Participants must prepare three Mozart arias (opera, sacred, or concert) in their original keys OR two Mozart arias (opera, sacred, or concert) in their original keys AND one lied, song or chanson by Mozart.
- Each participant will be allotted 20-25 minutes in total for Round One and 25-30 minutes in total for Round Two. The participant will perform the arias (or selections / portions thereof, as requested by the instructor), and will participate in an individual masterclass for the remaining time.
- Participants in Round One must supply their own accompanist for their performance. An accompanist can be provided at a cost to the participant of $45 payable no later than the Competition application deadline. An accompanist will be provided for participants performing in Round Two.
- The Competition organisers must receive the online completed application form, inclusive of an uploaded curriculum vitae and headshot, and the $75 CAD entry fee no later than midnight on Sunday December 31, 2023. Incomplete or illegible forms will not be accepted.
- The entry fee is neither refundable nor transferable if the participant withdraws from the Competition.
- Participants must arrive at least 20 minutes before their assigned performance time and sign in at the reception desk.
- Participants must provide the adjudicator with a copy of their music at the performance.
- No cameras or recording devices are permitted at the Competition site.
- All results and decisions made by the instructors are final.
- Any presentation or performance during the competition master classes, rehearsals and at public concerts may be recorded and/or photographed by the Mozart Project for the exclusive use of the Mozart Project. All such material shall become the property of the Mozart Project and may be used subsequently for advertising and promotion, on the Mozart Project website, in press releases, and for archival records, for the purpose of promoting the Toronto Mozart Vocal Competition and the Toronto Mozart Players, without compensation to the participants.
- By agreeing to the Rules, the participant confirms that no compensation will be paid for release from other engagements or for performances by the Toronto Mozart Players.
- The Mozart Project reserves the right to postpone or cancel the Toronto Mozart Vocal Competition.
- The Competition reserves the right not to award scholarships or performance opportunities.
- The Mozart Project will not be responsible for personal injury, damage to personal property, or any other losses during competition master classes, rehearsals, or concerts.
- Payment of the $75 entry fee (and the $45 accompanist fee, if using the Mozart Project’s accompanist) must be made at the time of application:
online at the Mozart Project website OR
through an e-Transfer sent to application@mozartproject.ca - The Toronto Mozart Vocal Competition and the Toronto Mozart Players are operated exclusively by the Mozart Project, a registered charitable organization.
Any questions about these Rules and Regulations or about the Competition may be addressed to application@mozartproject.ca.